Thursday, 29 September 2011

Peter Hook of Joy Division told NME why the band went with Factory records for their first album, despite a £70,000 offer from Genetic Records. "Rob Gretton [manager] thought that taking us dickheads out of Manchester and putting us in a big London studio might mean that we ended up losing control over everything. He felt that it would be better to do it with Tony Wilson and Factory to keep us as we were - grounded."

- ''JOY DIVISION 30 YRS OF UNKNOWN PLEASURES 1979 - 2009''this is the screamer because it entices you to the magazines but also tells you what it's about.

- ''The Barcode'' is situated at the right side of the magazine cover

- ''The price'' is underneath the masthead

- ''Images'' is of Ian Curtis to show what the magazine is about

- ''NME'' is the masthead

- ''Colour scheme'' is black and white which links to this issue being about Joy Division

- ''ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL'' is the splash

- ''Exclusive interview inside with the band'' is both the sell line, teaser and splash.

- ''NME'' ''JOY DIVISION 30 YEARS OF UNKNOWN PLEASURES 1979-2009'' are all situated on the left third so that when the magazine is on the shelf people can see exactly what they are buying and the main features in the magazine.

- ''Blur reunited live, New gossip album, Glas Vegas play Las Vegas..etc'' these are the screamers to further persuade and appeal to people the buy the magazine.

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